Communication challenges


High-potential development


Expanding scope and impact

1 • Setting Up a Coaching Contract

The coach and the client mutually determine the duration and frequency of meetings, depending on the desired outcomes. Coaching contracts are generally 3 to 6 months long, with a 3-month minimum.

2 • Assessment

I conduct confidential interviews with my client’s manager, peers, direct reports, and HR partners to get a perspective on the issues critical to his/her success. I provide a written summary of the interviews, which will be integrated into the objectives for the coaching contract.

3 • Establishing Objectives

The success of any coaching contract hinges on defining clear objectives. Objectives must be accompanied by specific and measurable goals or identifiable positive changes that others could recognize. This guides the coaching and serves as a progress check at midpoint.

4 • Weekly Meetings

Coaching sessions are typically 60 to 90 minutes each and scheduled 3 to 4 times a month. Sessions may be held both in person and on the phone. Each week the client establishes the desired outcomes for the session and we work on these in a focused and productive manner. I take detailed notes of the session for the client to use over the week.

5 • Midpoint Check-in

The midpoint review consists of a meeting with the client, his/her manager and/or the HR manager, and me. We review the progress the client has made relative to the objectives. At the client’s request, I will also contact individuals interviewed in the initial assessment to get input on the client’s progress.

6 • Closure and Transition

The last session of coaching is designed to celebrate successes and design a plan of action that gives the client a clear path to achieving future goals. A summary of the contract is submitted to the client and to HR.

I was dubious about working with an executive coach, especially since I associated coaching with poor performance. I knew I wanted to work on my presentation and communication skills, but I didn't think they were that bad. Within ten minutes of meeting Susannah, I was a convert.

Senior VP,

Twitter, Inc.


Both new and experienced leaders need help becoming clear and powerful communicators who can set direction, inspire commitment, and manage collaboratively. My partnerships with clients provide a unique blend of coaching and consulting in key areas of development.